September 28, 2011

Me, My Mom and Jack-in-the-Box tacos

When my mom was pregnant with me she craved Jack-in-the-Box tacos. My dad, being the wonderful husband and father that he is, would get up in the middle of the night to go get her some.

When I was growing up, my mom and I would often, usually at night while watching movies, look at each other and say "taco time" and we would get up and go get some.

One time we even snuck them into a movie theater. Let me warn you - not the best idea. Besides the yummy food smell they emit, they are rather noisy to eat. Apparently people don't like you crunching in their ears while watching a movie. We giggled every time one of us took a bite. =)

Well, I can't drive by a Jack-in-the-Box without thinking of my mom and our late night, taco crunching escapades.

And I miss those.

So, most of the time, I stop and get 2 tacos and a root beer and think of my mom while I crunch away. It doesn't matter if it's 10 am or 3 pm, I stop.

Today was no exception.

It was just me, my mom and Jack-in-the-Box tacos.
(Oh, Trevor too, but he was sleeping)

September 22, 2011

Our New School

We are love, love, loving our new school!

It is a new charter school that just opened up this year.
So, yes, we are guinea pigs but so far it is wonderful. There has been the expected hiccups, like pick up and drop off procedures, but overall everything has been really smooth.

The students are amazing. Everyone is "new" to this school so they have all been super friendly. Everyone is in the same boat by not knowing a lot of other kids so they have all grouped together to help each other out. Awesome!

Kayla 5th grade
The teachers are amazing too! We went to back to school night this week and were so impressed with the teachers and their enthusiasm and energy. Everyone I have overheard has been saying positive things about the all the classes.

Hailey 4th grade
And, as you can tell, they wear uniforms. All I can say is I LOVE UNIFORMS! It is wonderful! So easy in the morning. Pick either a red, white or blue top with the school logo and either navy or khaki shorts or skirts. So simple!

My Kinder boy
Kayla is thriving! She was the reason we started homeschooling to begin with and we, especially Kurt, were really nervous about putting her back into the school environment but she is doing amazing! They all are and we are so proud of them!

September 19, 2011

Wonder Woman Complex

So about a week or so ago I was digging in a file in my filing cabinet looking for something and I stumbled upon some letters that a friend and I had written back and forth to each other a few years ago . . . you know, using snail mail. I am not sure why I kept these few letters because we had written a lot but, nonetheless, there they were so I read them.

We were talking about how women tend to try to take everything on themselves and expect too much of themselves. They try to be Wonder Woman.

I remember when we were discussing this and I was totally guilty of it. Probably still am but any-who . . .

Over the years I have tried to not think that I have to do everything but it is hard. I want to have a clean house. I want to have healthy, home made meals every night. I want to be at all my kids activities. I want our business to be successful. I want . . . it all and I think that I need to do it all. I have to say that I think I have relaxed somewhat in this.

Well 2 weeks ago I took another HUGE step in not expecting everything out of myself. I did something that I NEVER thought I would do.

I hired a house cleaner!!!!!!

And I love it!

And it is awesome!

And I am totally trying to not feel guilty over it!

Because having a newborn, keeping up with 3 kids school schedules and homework, and running a business is A LOT of work. And this is one step in helping me not take on everything.

And they come back tomorrow.

And I am soooooo excited!

September 10, 2011

A Whole Lot of Posts

So I have been neglectful in posting lately. I have wanted too but haven't had the time so I thought this morning I would catch up. So there are a few posts following this one.

So, yes, it is 10 am and I am still in my pj's but I have gotten everything blogged on my list that had grown longer and longer.

I now need to start a new list but at least I got this one completed.

Woo hoo!

Have a great Saturday!

Growing up so fast!

Ok, so these pictures are a little old in baby time but I have wanted to post them and just haven't gotten around to it.

So here is Trev in his first big boy outfit (meaning shirt and shorts, not just onesie type outfits).
4 weeks
I was a naughty mommy and let him try sleeping on his tummy for nap one day.
He loved it!
And I loved his little feet.
That is a birth mark on his foot - not an injury =)

He is such a great sleeper!
Here is a video of him "talking" at 6 weeks old. Hailey was filming and since the girl can't control her body for 2 seconds, it is a bit wiggly, just like our Hailey. But cute nonetheless (if you don't get motion sick).

Buying Jeans

When is the last time you bought jeans?

For me, it's been a couple of years. I don't like shopping. AT ALL!

And here is why:

I was in Old Navy shopping for school uniforms pants and shorts about 2 weeks ago and I noticed that the adult jeans were on sale for only $15! At normally $30, this is a great deal so I thought that I would grab a few pairs for Kurt and myself as we are desperately in need of new jeans.

So I wonder over to the female jeans to grab a few. And I stood in a daze at the wall of jeans in front of me. There was The Flirt, The Sweetheart, The Diva and The Dreamer. Then within each of those categories there was "skinny," "boot cut," "trouser" and then there were color choices. Then you had to find your size. WHAT?

I just wanted a pair of jeans. When did buying jeans become so complicated? Seriously!

So I grabbed a few different styles, colors, sizes and wandered to the fitting room. I happened to find a style, color and size that fit me so I bought a few of that one type.

Whew! Survived another shopping trip. Now it may be a few years before I attempt it again. By then all the styles, colors and sizes will all change again. Yikes!

Any PUG lovers out there?

A little Webkinz dance party.

Evan LOVES this song.

(Usually he dances better but Kayla was off the screen distracting him.)

Hailey's eyes

Many people don't know that Hailey has 2 different colored eyes. Sometimes it is VERY noticeable and sometimes you can't tell at all.

I have tried for years to get a picture showing the difference but have never succeeded.

That was until a few weeks ago when we were at a restaurant and the light coming through the window made her eyes very noticeable.

Of course a picture never does it justice but these are the best pictures I have ever gotten.

Our very special Hailey!

Bed Bug

I have discovered a trick to getting another hour of sleep out of Trevor.

I just pick him up when he starts fussing in the morning and lay him in my bed and wa-la, he sleeps for another hour. Awesome! I get to shower and get dressed in peace and then I am ready when he wakes up.

It is a wonderful arrangement.

Hopefully it will continue and I didn't just jinx us.